Android vs iOS


According to Fortune Business Insights the mobile device management market is expected to reach $85.37 billion USD by 2032, from $9.38 billion in 2023. With a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 27.6% from 2024 to 2032, it’s a stunning projection, driven by various worldwide trends, not least among them a rising adoption of “mobility culture” by organizations.

Basically, we’re using mobile devices for work a lot these days, and companies are facing new choices with no clear correct option. Is a managed Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy good enough, or should they purchase devices for employee use under a Company-Owned Business Only (COBO) policy? BYOD is certainly less expensive in the short term but poses obvious security risks, and not everyone is willing to take that gamble.

So, COBO it is, now what? Apple or Android? 

Apple or Android?

There was a time when Android and Apple were making vastly different devices. Apple had already captured the market, competing mostly with Blackberry. Android was the weird newcomer, with their odd-looking phones from several different OEM’s offering a wide variety of quality – from awful to almost-as-good-as-Apple. Nowadays, the flagship devices from major Android-based brands often outclass Apple spec-wise at a lower price point.

Android is also by far the largest segment of users and growing. Some people will always choose an iPhone for personal use, and there are plenty of valid reasons they are loved – clean design, ease of use and integration with other products in the Apple ecosystem among them – but it isn’t the best choice for your company as it expands.

From ultra-portable POS systems in restaurants, to ergonomic pistol-grip inventory scanners in warehouses, to shock-proof smart phones with a walkie talkie function on construction sites, the variety of specialized hardware and customization options from so many OEMs that the Android platform offers has no peer. Android knows this and has leaned into it – enabling OEMs to offer custom enterprise features to make the most of these various devices, which can be managed by an EMM provider. In particular, emSentry’s Android management solution offers a secure and intuitive method to manage all your Android devices from one place, regardless of OEM or function.

Being stuck with only Apple’s offerings as your needs grow will not only be limiting over time, it’s also costly. To get any substantial savings on an Apple device, you will need to purchase an older unit, with Android you can simply buy a new device with current functionality for a fraction of the price. Apple does have good support for older models and the same can’t be said for many Android brands, which typically offer three years. Even this is changing as the larger manufacturers are following the lead of Google’s most recent Pixel line, which offers “at least” [their words] seven years of support and are planning to extend their coverage.

Global Mobile Market

According to the most recent numbers on Stat Counter, Android’s share of the worldwide mobile market is 71.63%, compared to Apple’s iOS, which holds 27.74%. Specifically in the US market, Apple owns the majority share with 55.79%, while Android still holds a respectable 43.92%. This is partly thanks to cultural attitudes toward Android like the bizarre stigma around having a green message bubble on someone’s iMessage app. However, these attitudes can change on a dime, especially in the fickle United States, and the trend is toward continued widespread Android adoption.

our solution

The variety and cost effectiveness of Android, combined with a strong, effective mobile device management system that is ready to scale up with you, like emSentry, means you can rest assured that you’ve made a decision for your company that will age well.


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